Coach Your Passion Online!
Proven step-by-step system to launch and deliver your 1st (or next) sports online training course (even if you're starting from scratch)
Training starts: Monday, July 20
Enrollment closes: Sunday, July 19 midnight
Ready To Take Your Sports Training Online? 


The most comprehensive training program for creating, launching and selling your sports training course online!

The Course Launch Training Camp is the only training program of its kind that not only shows you exactly how to create and deliver your online sports training course like a pro — but how to get it into the hands of dozens or even hundreds of athletes and parents every month.

By the end of this training program,
you will have:
  • Learned to blow right through your fear when it arises and overcome those mental blocks holding you back
  • Nailed down your course topic (instead of just constantly thinking about it while at the gym)
  • Validated your sports training course to make sure your audience is willing and excited to invest the second you launch
  • Expertly recorded and published all your course training content (even if you’re allergic to anything tech related)
  • Setup all the Tech systems required to makes sales, send emails and give your youth athletes an amazing online training experience (even if you suck with Tech stuff)
  • Developed a high-converting webinar presentation and irresistible offer that attracts the exact parents and youth athletes your coaching can help
  • Leveraged a mix of Facebook ads, email marketing, and Instagram to get a full stadium of highly qualified prospects onto your webinars every single time
  • Crafted a compelling sales page and post-webinar email funnel to amplify your course sales and make sure your hard-earned prospects have the best possible chance to convert
  • Implemented a new student onboarding sequence to give your students the best possible chance at succeeding in your course while dramatically cutting down refunds.
  • Set up tried and true evergreen strategies to shift your course sales into autopilot so that you can scale your revenue growth automatically
Training starts: Monday, July 20
Enrollment closes: Sunday, July 19 midnight

Who is this program for?

Whether you want to turn your part-time coaching into your full-time business, take your existing coaching company to All Pro levels, or you’re just starting your sports coaching career, the Course Launch Training Camp will help you:
  • Define your business vision
  • Leverage your unique strengths
  • Overcome mental barriers preventing your success
  • Increase your sales and profits
  • Create raving fan customers
  • Setup your entire business online
  • Alleviate the tech headaches
  • Learn proven marketing strategies
  • Charge what you’re worth
  • Get more done in less time
  • Maximize your  impact on athletes
  • Make a better connection with youth athletes around the world
If you're a passionate athlete or coach ready to make a bigger impact with your coaching, this program is for you!
Training starts: Monday, July 20
Enrollment closes: Sunday, July 19 midnight


A full 7-week guided training program to launch your sports training course

Wait...didn't you say 6 weeks in the video at the top? That's right, I already added another week of awesome training for you guys! So it's a 7 week program!


Take a look at our 7 weeks together!
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Week 1: Dominate the Mental Game

Let me ask you a question. What's really holding you back from launching an online sports training course? 

Maybe you are waiting for the perfect time which never seems to arrive?

Maybe you started but got lost in the tech? Recording videos, building the outline, automating the emails. Next thing you know you have 17 software subscriptions, but still no course.

Or maybe you’re afraid no one will buy it? Imposter syndrome kicks in and drains your motivation.

All are totally valid reasons BUT none of them really uncover the real roadblock that is holding you back...Fear!!

Remember when Yogi Barra said "90% of baseball is mental, and the other half is physical". Well, same goes for business. So before you can make a successful course we gotta work on the mental game!


Mental Game
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Plan a Sports Course


Most people create a course first and then go out and try to sell out. In this program, I'm going to show you why you should always Sell first.

But in order to sell a course we first need to plan it out.

Who is your ideal customer? How can you validate that this idea will work? 

How many modules should you have? How much should it cost? What title should I give my course? 

All these questions (and more) will be answered in the Week 2 training.


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Launching a course where the rubber meets the road. For the first time on a larger scale, customers will begin to interact with you and your coaching all leading to a single question -

Are they inspired to buy your course?

If not, that is great to know and we'll adjust and launch again. Remember it's only a failure if you quit.

In this week I'll teach you how to launch. How to get your content in front of hundreds (potentially thousands) of potential customers.

I'll also teach you 3 different funnels so as leads come in the top they funneled towards sales of your training course.


Launch the Course
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Sports Course Tech Setup


I've never seen this done in any training. Most programs simply give you a suggestion of what to use and then let you figure out the Tech piece on your own.

But that's where most fall flat on their face. Causing you so much frustration that you just quit.

Not so in this training camp. I won't let anyone quit. 

The best part - I'm going to show you how to set it all up in a single system called Simplero.

You don't need 10 different logins to run an online sports training business. You just need 1 and I'll show you exactly how to configure everything! 


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I believe webinars are the most effective method of making sales online. Period.

What better way to convince someone that you can teach them something, then to actually just teach them something

In fact, if someone held a gun to my head and said 'Damon, you need to make a course sale tomorrow, I'd 100% do a webinar'.

Even if you've never done anything like this, you'll leave this week with a webinar presentation you're proud of and one that lets attendees get to know, like, and trust you - all leading to sales of your course.


Webinar Sales Sports
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Deliver Your Sports Course


This is a beautiful part of the process because this is the coaching, this is the transformation of a young athlete. This is what you're passionate about. This is the reason you're a coach.

The main thing in this step is to have fun: connect, serve, make their lives better via your coaching.

In this module I'll help you setup the right structure to make those great connections with other youth athletes, coaches and parents and really allow you to be of service to your audience.

We'll also review all the tips necessary to film (indoors and on the field or court) and create awesome slides so you can create great digital coaching materials that can be watched over and over. This week is all about learning how to deliver an amazing experience in your sports training course.


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Now you've planned, launched, and delivered an online sports training course. Congratulations Coach - you've got yourself an online business! 

You've got an asset that will never go away. So now the question is: what's next? 

In this module, I'll teach you how to iterate on your course, get testimonials from students, and then relaunch with even great numbers.

We'll review setting up automations and working with VA's. We'll discuss maximizing your funnels and how to setup a sports training business you absolutely love.

Launching a course puts you in the majors, in this module we'll make you an All Star.


Next Steps
Plus you've got support...
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The Community

For many students, interacting with other coaches is their favorite part of this training camp. You'll support one another, celebrate wins, share ideas, get feedback, root one another on, and connect with coaches in this private, student-only community.

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Live Q&A Calls

Several times a week you'll have a chance to jump on a live Q&A call with Coach Damon. During these "office hours" I'll provide more guidance and tackle your toughest questions.  We record and transcribe all calls so you can listen and learn at your convenience.

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Full Tech Support

I want everyone to have success in this course. If you have technical issues or are simply having a challenge you need help with, write to us at and we'll take care of you.

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Active Lesson Comments

Something in a particular lesson not making sense? Under each training video, you’re invited to comment and get responses directly from our team of coaches and fellow students.

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Ready to get started? 
Training starts: Monday, July 20
Enrollment closes: Sunday, July 19 midnight

Learn At Your Own Pace

You have lifetime access to the Course Launch Training Camp, so you can go through the materials each week as they’re released in the student portal, or you can slow things down and work on your own schedule.

So if you’re working a full-time job, several part-time jobs, training for a pro sports career, or dealing with any big life events during the live 7-week program, don’t worry about falling behind.

You can revisit and review the training materials any time. Remember, building a sports training business that impacts lives is not a 7 week, linear event.

Meet Your Coach

About Coach Damon

Coaching and sports are my passions. I guess it all started watching my Dad coach all my youth sports teams when I was a kid growing up in the Bay Area.

Whether its coaching sports or coaching business, the look in someone's eye when they finally "get it"  is priceless and it drives me to do what I do.  

In 2017 I launched my first sports training course working with lacrosse goalies and I made all the classic rookie mistakes. Yet somehow it was still a major success.

Fast forward to now, I've studied the great course creators, launched 5 other successful courses and I've worked with literally hundreds of course creators teaching them a proven framework to blast through their fear and launch their course to the world.

I feel so strongly that those who have a passion for sports would be best served making a career out of that. With this vision in mind, I will teach you to launch your first course so you can grow and scale your coaching business and make a big impact on the world.

Coach Damon

Here is everything you get

It's important that you know the enormous value you'll get in this training camp. These numbers are not inflated - they're my honest, good faith estimate of what I truly believe each part of this camp is worth. And it's all included with your entry!

  • The Course Launch Training Camp
    The 7 module / 7 week training system that has taken me years and thousands of invested dollars to perfect for the sports world (value $2997)
  • Sales Webinar Template
    Don't worry about hiring a designer to create awesome looking templates for your webinar. I've done that and I'm giving it to you (value $497)
  • Private Active Community
    So many coaches have skyrocketed their business from the connections made in the community (I mean think about it - most parents have multi-sport athletes). These awesome bonds are truly priceless. Plus you'll join a community of kick-ass winners that root one another on and push each other to work hard and get those W's (priceless).
  • Automated Email Sequences
    If you've ever worked with a copywriter or spent hours trying to type out your own emails, you know how valuable of a resource this is. I'll give you access to series of automated emails that you can customize to match your own business (value $497).
  • Live Coaching Calls with Coach Damon
    Ask me any questions, seriously anything that's holding you back and I'll give you my opinion from what I've seen work after coaching hundreds of course creators (value $1297)
  • Sales Page Templates
    Designing a high performing sales page can be very challenging and time consuming. Lucky for you I've already hired a designed to create great looking templates that I'll you give access to (value $497)

Total value:  $5975

Your investment to join: $597

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My Promise - 100% Risk Free

risk free guarantee

This program has the power to profoundly change your life forever. That’s not hyperbole — that’s based on results from my students who put in the work and created massive impact.

The Course Launch Training Camp is 100% risk free.

If you feel like you don't get value from the program, email our support team ( within 30 days, show us you did the work, and we'll happily refund your full payment.

The best part is this:

If you think there's even a 'slight chance' the Course Launch Training Camp can work for you, you should enroll today.

Because you can try the material...see if its right for you over the next 30 days. No guess work needed. Use the material, take the training, see for yourself.

And if it works, your life will never be the same.

You'll be able to reach hundreds of parents and youth athletes desperate for the coaching, mentoring, and training that is your gift to the world. And if it doesn't work, email our support team, show us you did the work, and we'll hook you up with a refund.

I've worked my tail off to create an amazing experience that I think is going to take your sports training business to a whole new level. And I stand behind my work.

So that's why I'm happy to offer a 30-day money back guarantee. It's really a no-brainer.

Office Hours and Live Q&A With Coach Damon

Got an important question about how to move your course ahead? Want to get some feedback on an idea? I got your back.

After all, what good is a coach if they can't give live feedback.

During Live Q&A with Coach Damon, I'll tackle the toughest questions and give you direct feedback on your progress in the camp.

Don't worry if you can't make it live, this calls are recorded and replays are always available as part of your camp tuition.

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Enrollment Closes Soon

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© 2020 - Coach Damon - Córdoba - Argentina

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